This paper was actually the first to predict localization in a disordered multilayer and, in addition, made the intriguing prediciton of localization involving evanescent waves, but failed to garner a lot of attention.
You would think that the question of total internal reflection would be resolved by now, but guess what? It's not, or at least not if gain material is involved. This is best exemplified in a satirical paper by the late A. Siegman, which examines the question through a series of intentionally flawed arguments. Amusingly, not everyone got the joke - some authors have cited the paper seriously, even though the paper was written "in telepathic collaboration with the infamous korean Dr. Tung Inn-cheek"...
Using ultrafast laser systems to make ultrafast optics, like a waveplate which appears on a femtosecond scale.
Not exactly an anonymous paper, but chances are you've never seen the cool morphologies generated in the aftermath of laser evaporation. If nothing else, the pictures are quite remarkable.
An elegant derivation of the Cherenkov effect for a point charge. Great for getting an insight into Cherenkov.
The Phoneix soliton - a solition which revives itself. A cool concept and also a good introduction to the matrix form of Maxwell equations and of what can be done with them.
Rapping over Hamilton, how cool is that? Very cool! (not a paper, but... who cares?)